TOP 4 Sustainable Brands and Products in the UK

The UK is increasingly becoming home to a whole host of exciting sustainable businesses, who are developing innovative, green products. The climate crisis is upon us and with the extreme weathers that are happening across the world, more of us are searching for ‘green alternatives’, ‘renewable energy’, ‘reusable products’ and ‘meat-free options’ to prevent further environmental catastrophe. Thankfully, more businesses are adopting sustainability, and they’re growing in popularity thanks to millennials strong eco values! More of us see a bigger picture for our future and have a greener mindset and if we are to combat global warming, we must embrace a more sustainable life.

We always stay on top of the latest trends and recognise sustainable businesses who are influencing consumers to go green! But for some, when it comes to organizing simple swaps for a more green lifestyle, they may not know where to start. Therefore, we’ve created a TOP 4 list on our favourite eco-friendly brands and BEST SELLER products in the UK.

We want to get our readers inspired, to get thinking and hopefully, get buying – because when we all make small changes here and there, the closer we are to a healthier, greener future. Here is our TOP 4 picks:


1. Pavegen’s

Pavegen’s are creating smarter cities through green technology – they convert footsteps into electricity to power applications like lighting, data analysis and transmission, as well as environmental monitoring. Although they recognize that the energy generated may be small, they are on a mission to encourage the public to think big and get creative with how energy is used. They are certainly building a more sustainable world, one step at a time, with Pavegen already delivering over 200 installations in 36 countries to date!


2. Mooncup

Mooncup offers a solution to the waste, discomfort and expense of disposable menstrual products, leading many women to use them as an eco-friendly alternative to tampons. Menstrual cups aren’t associated with toxic shock syndrome (TSS), which is a rare, life-threatening condition linked to tampon use. Instead, there are many positives to this green product, you’re not just helping the planet but you’re also taking care of your overall health, plus you will never run out!

For a full disclosure on menstrual cups, click (read more).

3. BBC Earth and Mother of Pearl

After the success of Blue Planet II, BBC Earth teamed up with Mother of Pearl to launch a sustainable fashion brand. Their goal was simply to raise awareness, both for Mother of Pearl’s fans and the fashion industry as a whole, which is extremely positive. As many may already know, fashion is the second biggest polluter and fast fashion is killing our planet by depleting the worlds water supply due to cotton being one of the world thirstiest crops. Its filling the world’s landfills and with most fabric made from synthetic fibers, it will remain in landfill for nearly 200 years.

To learn more about BBC Earth’s beneficial collaboration and the impact it has had since releasing, click (read more).

4. PensionBee

PensionBee have an app that can give you all the tools you need to manage your pension, and in 2017 they launched their Future World Plan, which is an ethical option for those seeking to protect the planet with their life-long savings.

The move was driven by PensionBee’s 50,000 customers, asking to invest their money more sustainably. The company listened and now they offer GREEN PENSIONS! We have briefly touched on the subject of responsible investments in our blog ‘How to make your pensions and investments go green’ and explored the fact that financial products have an enormous influence on our environment, and pensions are no exception. Nine times out of ten, our UK pensions go into default funds that unfortunately invest in big fossil fuel organisations. But now you can take control of your savings and your future, with PensionBee! If you would like to learn more about this forward thinking company, click to (read more).


Sustainability is a very important issue, especially in the business industry! People around the world are experiencing climate disasters and so making green changes are imperative now. It is said that 100 companies are responsible for 71% of global emissions and so now, businesses need to be part of the solution to cut down emissions. Thankfully, we are now starting to see corporations taking action and correcting past mistakes, and they are the ones that can make a major impact – just like the sustainable businesses we’ve listed as our TOP 4 favourites.

If you are looking to reduce your carbon foot print in a bigger way, SolarCentric can help you achieve this and guide you in the right direction when it comes to your home or businesses energy needs.
