Commercial Solar PV: Avoid the Energy Crisis

It is time to go solar!

Admit it.  You’ve thought about going green and installing solar panels but haven’t got around to it, or thought you’d do it another time.

However, the recent headlines confirming that energy prices are likely to increase substantially have altered the ROI on installing panels. Here’s how:

In 2021, the cap level has risen twice in the same year for the first time and is now at its highest point ever, creating an energy crisis. The energy price cap rose to £1,138 from 1st April – a £96 rise for “medium” energy users. From 1st October, another 12 per cent increase will come into effect, with the cap rising to £1,277.

With the electricity crisis continuing in the UK, this will threaten a wide range of industries, small energy firms, and households. However, despite a drastic rise in utility prices, renewable energy continues to see a considerable decrease in the cost of buying and installing solar systems.

Solar power has now become a sustainable and cost-effective energy alternative for business owners and can provide multiple advantages in the long run. Commercial solar PV installations provide a solid return on the investment, why? It is estimated that a typical commercial solar panel system will achieve financial returns of up to 20% per annum and pay back installation costs, within approximately 5-years. As well, a typical 250kWp solar PV system will offset approximately 64 tonnes of CO2.

All UK businesses will need to be carbon zero by 2050, so now is the time to get a head start.

Financial Savings

The Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) allows suppliers to set the price for the energy they purchase. According to the legislation, rates can be flexible or fixed, so long as they are above zero.

While these rates may vary, expect for them to mimic wholesale and market prices. This could equate to a sizable profit from the excess energy exported from your solar panels.

Some energy providers are offering around 5.5p/kWh of exported electricity, with a 4kWp solar panel system could make around £340 per year! This is just another great way to encourage people to use renewable energy.


The Overall Benefits:

  • Whilst energy prices have increased year on year, the price of installing solar has plummeted.
  • Solar PV generates energy no matter the weather because the sun gives off light even on cloudy days.
  • Earn money from your panels with SEG.
  • 25-year fixed-cost for solar energy generation and minimal maintenance of the solar PV system.
  • Altogether, solar energy is 60-70% cheaper than buying from the National Grid.
  • Tapping into an unlimited clean energy source, will reduce your carbon footprint!


To summarise, solar panels for commercial buildings provide businesses with the chance to save and make money, promote themselves as a green and socially conscious business, and avoid becoming victims to future price rises in the energy market.

Start your solar energy journey with us:

Our team are more than happy to take your call and organise a video consultation to show you how we design a system that works for you. We can then send you a free, no obligation quote!


Call us today!

t        0330 0552155

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Power cuts in the UK can be caused by a lot of different things, and rural areas with overhead grid lines through dense vegetation are more prone to outages. Whether it is caused by acts of nature; voltage dips and short power cuts, we know that experiencing blackout electricity can be difficult, especially for those working remotely during Covid-19.

What causes power cuts?

At the moment, we are putting a lot more pressure on the National Grid, due to electrification of heating and electric cars, therefore, with the change in electricity demand, it is creating an increase in power cuts.

To reduce National Grid strain, clean energy is key when it comes to combating energy power cuts in your area! It is more important than ever to ensure your energy is reliable and most importantly, sustainable.

If you already own solar panels and a sonnen eco 9.53 battery storage, you can compliment your system with a sonnenProtect 2500 and if you have the sonnen SB10 battery, you can have sonnenProtect 4000. Not only will it help keep your lights on in the event of a power cut, but it can anticipate any potential power cuts. Also, when a grid failure is detected, the sonnenProtect takes a moment to switch over to island mode and this is designed to keep your sonnenBatterie and solar panels running without any problems.

Power Capabilities:
While you’ll be able to run many appliances during electricity power cuts, it is important to know that the sonnenProtect has a 2.5kW limit. Therefore, during a blackout scenario, you’ll be able to run items such as:

  • Fridge or freezer
  • Lamps
  • Chargers for handheld devices
  • Laptop/computers
  • Fans and portable evaporative coolers

It is clear to see that renewable technology is developing all the time, so we must take advantage of it! When you reduce your reliance on the Grid, you’re more in control of your own power, your money and your families future. However, if you do not own a sustainable energy system yet, you can contact us!

We will make sure to break down the product information so that it is 100% straightforward and we can ensure you come away with a better understanding of the entire system and how it can benefit you.

If you require a free, no obligation quote, contact our design team:

T    0330 0552155


Feel free to direct message us on social media:
Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Instagram

With more of us working hard to achieve environmental justice, it’s safe to say climate battles are certainly being won across the globe, and over the past few years we have witnessed some of the most monumental movements.

Initiating back to 2018, 15-year-old Greta Thunberg proposed school strikes around the world, encouraging millions of young adults to stand for better change. We’ve also seen some of the largest companies like Google, Apple and John Lewis recently announced their plans to go 100% green, pushing governments as well as their delivery, utility and IT sector to increase their renewable energy operations.

All of this is proof that sustainability is on the up and if you haven’t heard the latest news from the National Grid, back in July this year, reports stated that Britain’s action towards climate change will soon make us a carbon negative country by 2033. This is only thirteen years from now! What’s even more positive is that the National Grid expects a boom in renewable energy products, which is extremely encouraging for our green energy industry and we appreciate the National Grid’s extensive efforts to hit Britain’s 2050 climate targets.

For your consideration, we have put together some bullet points to keep you up to date with the UK’s mission to create a zero-carbon future. According to new research by the National Grid ESO:

  • The electricity network operator set out its vision for an “emissions negative” grid that would include 30 million electric vehicles on UK roads, and 8 million heat pumps used to replace gas boilers in energy-efficient homes.
  • The National Grid expects at least 3 gigawatts of new wind power capacity and 1.4 gigawatts of solar generation every year from now until 2050, alongside a widespread roll-out of electric vehicles.
  • Persistent natural-gas use will be halved by 2038.
  • As well, they anticipate the distribution of bioenergy which could lead to negative emissions in the power sector by 2033. (Bioenergy refers to electricity and gas that is generated from organic matter, known as biomass. This can be anything from plants and timber to agricultural and food waste – and even sewage).

Green energy systems are set to change and develop in the decades ahead and as we transition into this low carbon future, SolarCentric vow to continue to preserve our planet, guarantee quality energy products and create an informative platform to educate and inspire others to pursue cleaner energy.

With this positive and encouraging news, we’re certainly on our way to becoming a more renewable-fuelled world.


Need energy advice? Require our service and products?
Our fully accredited professionals are on hand to guide you in the right direction, contact us on:

t     0330 0552155
