How Can Businesses Practise Green Excellence?

We have certainly seen a shift in culture, the world is now becoming more renewably charged and according to a BBC article on why 2021 could be a turning point to tackle climate change, the falling cost of renewables and the growing public pressure for climate justice is fortunately transforming attitudes, with more businesses going green.

Why Businesses Should Go Green?

More organisations see ‘greening processes‘ as high priority, and are rightly implementing such strategies to secure tax incentives for businesses going green, to reduce, use more recycled materials, cut out unnecessary waste and trim down operation costs at the same time – which is always good business sense.

However, greentailing your work environment can seem an overwhelming task for any business, big or small because it’s difficult to know where to start. Therefore, we’ve created four top tips for employers to create a green business scheme. By offering new green products or services will establish to investors, staff and customers that you’re committed to doing better. It is a sound investment and it doesn’t have to crazy and expensive, we offer a quick guide on how you can make your business more sustainable:

An Eco-Friendly Business Plan

Provide Sustainable Products:

This can become an extremely long list, (an exciting revelation) but remember you don’t have to purchase every green product on the shelf. Create a simple list for your employees and another for work functions. Here’s how you can separate the two and encourage your work force to think more about their carbon footprint:

Employee Products:

  • Eliminate plastic bottles and harmful cleaning products
  • Provide a confidential recycling waste bin
  • Use recycling bins in your canteen and office space
  • Sustainable work stationary

Company Functions:

  • Install solar panels
  • Upgrade existing solar array
  • Reduce or eliminate petrol and diesel company cars with electric vehicles
  • Encourage staff to switch to EVs by providing EV Charge Points

If you’re planning to launch these functions, view Our Products page.

Do Business with Green Venders:

If you’re looking to outsource more eco-friendly materials and products, align your business with companies that are ethically resourceful.

Fundraising Events:

Bringing communities together and giving back is always a great way to represent your company and gain a reputable status. People like to see businesses do their bit for their communities, and you could really make a difference when you contribute and volunteer. Here are some conservation campaign ideas your company could partake in:

  • Beach and river clean ups in your local area
  • Planting trees and making donations
  • Sports challenges to raise money and awareness
  • Green investments/collaborations and sponsorships
Green Meetings:

Engaging with employees creates a better working culture, when you take time out to hear your employees’ ideas and concerns it creates a more inclusive and effective working environment. Run monthly or quarterly green meetings throughout the year and create goals and celebrate successes! Many successful businesses will know, positive results create greater motivation.

In addition, when employers commit to providing a clear environmental policy, it encourages staff and demonstrates great eco credentials with clients and stakeholders. A strategic plan will also give you and your employees peace of mind, knowing that you’re on course to reducing your carbon footprint.

Need Further Advice and or Require a Green Energy System?
SolarCentric are dedicated to creating better financial and climate security for our clients and if you require our service and or products, the team will be happy to help you:

T:     0330 0552155

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We can finally share information on our Welsh designed and manufactured solar car port, with integrated state-of-the-art battery technology.

SolarCentric have partnered with Solarwatt, Centregreat Group, SPECIFIC and Hayes Engineering to remove urban EV barriers, future proof EV demand and offer 100% renewable energy.

People are now becoming more accustomed to green energy, with clean air being a top priority for, urgent health, climate and development action. This EV car port certainly leads the way for local industries to power towards a greener future.

To read more detailed information about how our modular design can suit all applications, our Car Port page is now live for you to visit.

You can also read the latest articles of our EV car port when you click the links below:

“Solarwatt and Centregreat partner to develop solar-powered EV car port” – Renewable Energy Magazine

“SOLARWATT teams up with Centregreat Group to develop solar and storage EV car ports” –
Solar Power Portal, Altered Energy   

With more of us working hard to achieve environmental justice, it’s safe to say climate battles are certainly being won across the globe, and over the past few years we have witnessed some of the most monumental movements.

Initiating back to 2018, 15-year-old Greta Thunberg proposed school strikes around the world, encouraging millions of young adults to stand for better change. We’ve also seen some of the largest companies like Google, Apple and John Lewis recently announced their plans to go 100% green, pushing governments as well as their delivery, utility and IT sector to increase their renewable energy operations.

All of this is proof that sustainability is on the up and if you haven’t heard the latest news from the National Grid, back in July this year, reports stated that Britain’s action towards climate change will soon make us a carbon negative country by 2033. This is only thirteen years from now! What’s even more positive is that the National Grid expects a boom in renewable energy products, which is extremely encouraging for our green energy industry and we appreciate the National Grid’s extensive efforts to hit Britain’s 2050 climate targets.

For your consideration, we have put together some bullet points to keep you up to date with the UK’s mission to create a zero-carbon future. According to new research by the National Grid ESO:

  • The electricity network operator set out its vision for an “emissions negative” grid that would include 30 million electric vehicles on UK roads, and 8 million heat pumps used to replace gas boilers in energy-efficient homes.
  • The National Grid expects at least 3 gigawatts of new wind power capacity and 1.4 gigawatts of solar generation every year from now until 2050, alongside a widespread roll-out of electric vehicles.
  • Persistent natural-gas use will be halved by 2038.
  • As well, they anticipate the distribution of bioenergy which could lead to negative emissions in the power sector by 2033. (Bioenergy refers to electricity and gas that is generated from organic matter, known as biomass. This can be anything from plants and timber to agricultural and food waste – and even sewage).

Green energy systems are set to change and develop in the decades ahead and as we transition into this low carbon future, SolarCentric vow to continue to preserve our planet, guarantee quality energy products and create an informative platform to educate and inspire others to pursue cleaner energy.

With this positive and encouraging news, we’re certainly on our way to becoming a more renewable-fuelled world.


Need energy advice? Require our service and products?
Our fully accredited professionals are on hand to guide you in the right direction, contact us on:

t     0330 0552155
