Commercial Solar PV: Avoid the Energy Crisis

It is time to go solar!

Admit it.  You’ve thought about going green and installing solar panels but haven’t got around to it, or thought you’d do it another time.

However, the recent headlines confirming that energy prices are likely to increase substantially have altered the ROI on installing panels. Here’s how:

In 2021, the cap level has risen twice in the same year for the first time and is now at its highest point ever, creating an energy crisis. The energy price cap rose to £1,138 from 1st April – a £96 rise for “medium” energy users. From 1st October, another 12 per cent increase will come into effect, with the cap rising to £1,277.

With the electricity crisis continuing in the UK, this will threaten a wide range of industries, small energy firms, and households. However, despite a drastic rise in utility prices, renewable energy continues to see a considerable decrease in the cost of buying and installing solar systems.

Solar power has now become a sustainable and cost-effective energy alternative for business owners and can provide multiple advantages in the long run. Commercial solar PV installations provide a solid return on the investment, why? It is estimated that a typical commercial solar panel system will achieve financial returns of up to 20% per annum and pay back installation costs, within approximately 5-years. As well, a typical 250kWp solar PV system will offset approximately 64 tonnes of CO2.

All UK businesses will need to be carbon zero by 2050, so now is the time to get a head start.

Financial Savings

The Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) allows suppliers to set the price for the energy they purchase. According to the legislation, rates can be flexible or fixed, so long as they are above zero.

While these rates may vary, expect for them to mimic wholesale and market prices. This could equate to a sizable profit from the excess energy exported from your solar panels.

Some energy providers are offering around 5.5p/kWh of exported electricity, with a 4kWp solar panel system could make around £340 per year! This is just another great way to encourage people to use renewable energy.


The Overall Benefits:

  • Whilst energy prices have increased year on year, the price of installing solar has plummeted.
  • Solar PV generates energy no matter the weather because the sun gives off light even on cloudy days.
  • Earn money from your panels with SEG.
  • 25-year fixed-cost for solar energy generation and minimal maintenance of the solar PV system.
  • Altogether, solar energy is 60-70% cheaper than buying from the National Grid.
  • Tapping into an unlimited clean energy source, will reduce your carbon footprint!


To summarise, solar panels for commercial buildings provide businesses with the chance to save and make money, promote themselves as a green and socially conscious business, and avoid becoming victims to future price rises in the energy market.

Start your solar energy journey with us:

Our team are more than happy to take your call and organise a video consultation to show you how we design a system that works for you. We can then send you a free, no obligation quote!


Call us today!

t        0330 0552155

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Is it sunny enough for solar power to be generated in the UK?

People often ask us whether solar panels are worth having installed in the UK, due to the perceived lack of sunshine. The simple answer is yes, there is more than enough energy generated by the sun to make solar panels a worthwhile investment to save on your future energy bills.

Even though the UK has a reputation for being cloudy and grey compared to most European countries, solar panels still work, even if it is not particularly sunny.

Solar PVs use light to produce energy, not heat, so the amount of daylight is important and not the temperature. They do produce more power on sunny days because there is more light produced but they still work well on overcast days too.

In the summer months, the UK gets almost 17 hours of daylight per day, while even in December it gets a minimum of 8 hours daylight (figures based on London), so there is plenty of daylight to generate power through solar panels.


Is my home suitable for solar panels?

In some areas of the UK, we receive the same amount of sunlight as Germany, which is one of the biggest markets for solar panels in the world. The majority of UK properties will be suitable for solar panels, and the bigger the roof space, the better. South-facing roofs will usually be better for generating more energy but southwest and west-facing will also work, although you might not achieve as many savings as you would south-facing roofs.

Before you start your solar project, it is important to consider your roof material, as solar panels will work most effectively with durable roofing materials that are easy to mount the panels securely onto. If it is likely that you will be replacing your roof soon, it is probably worthwhile waiting until after it has been replaced before you arrange to have solar panels installed.

Now that we have uncovered some of the frequently asked questions on solar in the UK – we wanted to make sure we cover our basis on other FAQ’s on solar power.


Will the quality of my electricity suffer once I get solar panels in the UK?

If your solar panels are correctly installed by a professional company, your system should switch seamlessly between using power from the National Grid and the power generated from your solar panels. With good quality solar panels, you should not notice any difference in your electricity supply.


How does this work with my existing gas and electricity supplier?

When you have solar panels installed, your Feed-in Tariff is set by tracking market prices. If your current energy supplier is not in the Feed-in tariff scheme, you have the choice of switching your Feed-in Tariff to an eligible supplier and staying with your existing supplier for your household energy. Alternatively, you can switch to a new supplier for both your household energy and your Feed-in Tariff.

Please Note the Feed in Tariff ended in 2019 and is not available to new customers.


All energy suppliers who have more than 250,000 customers must be part of the Feed-in Tariff scheme, so there is a good chance yours is in the scheme. All of the most popular suppliers such as British Gas and Scottish Power are in the scheme, but it is worth checking whether your supplier is in the scheme before deciding on solar panels.

The amount of tariff you are eligible for will depend on the technology and capacity of your PV system, but it will not change when you switch energy suppliers, as the tariff is provided by Ofgem.


To summarise, if your property is suitable and you are going to be living there for at least 10 years, you will make your money back and start making significant savings. Even if you decide to move house, they will increase the value of your home, so in most cases, it is worthwhile having solar panels installed, even living in the UK.

To make sure that you generate the maximum amount of energy, you need a quality supplier and installer, so contact SolarCentric and we can help you to start generating solar power through our latest technology solar panels.

We have certainly seen a shift in culture, the world is now becoming more renewably charged and according to a BBC article on why 2021 could be a turning point to tackle climate change, the falling cost of renewables and the growing public pressure for climate justice is fortunately transforming attitudes, with more businesses going green.

Why Businesses Should Go Green?

More organisations see ‘greening processes‘ as high priority, and are rightly implementing such strategies to secure tax incentives for businesses going green, to reduce, use more recycled materials, cut out unnecessary waste and trim down operation costs at the same time – which is always good business sense.

However, greentailing your work environment can seem an overwhelming task for any business, big or small because it’s difficult to know where to start. Therefore, we’ve created four top tips for employers to create a green business scheme. By offering new green products or services will establish to investors, staff and customers that you’re committed to doing better. It is a sound investment and it doesn’t have to crazy and expensive, we offer a quick guide on how you can make your business more sustainable:

An Eco-Friendly Business Plan

Provide Sustainable Products:

This can become an extremely long list, (an exciting revelation) but remember you don’t have to purchase every green product on the shelf. Create a simple list for your employees and another for work functions. Here’s how you can separate the two and encourage your work force to think more about their carbon footprint:

Employee Products:

  • Eliminate plastic bottles and harmful cleaning products
  • Provide a confidential recycling waste bin
  • Use recycling bins in your canteen and office space
  • Sustainable work stationary

Company Functions:

  • Install solar panels
  • Upgrade existing solar array
  • Reduce or eliminate petrol and diesel company cars with electric vehicles
  • Encourage staff to switch to EVs by providing EV Charge Points

If you’re planning to launch these functions, view Our Products page.

Do Business with Green Venders:

If you’re looking to outsource more eco-friendly materials and products, align your business with companies that are ethically resourceful.

Fundraising Events:

Bringing communities together and giving back is always a great way to represent your company and gain a reputable status. People like to see businesses do their bit for their communities, and you could really make a difference when you contribute and volunteer. Here are some conservation campaign ideas your company could partake in:

  • Beach and river clean ups in your local area
  • Planting trees and making donations
  • Sports challenges to raise money and awareness
  • Green investments/collaborations and sponsorships
Green Meetings:

Engaging with employees creates a better working culture, when you take time out to hear your employees’ ideas and concerns it creates a more inclusive and effective working environment. Run monthly or quarterly green meetings throughout the year and create goals and celebrate successes! Many successful businesses will know, positive results create greater motivation.

In addition, when employers commit to providing a clear environmental policy, it encourages staff and demonstrates great eco credentials with clients and stakeholders. A strategic plan will also give you and your employees peace of mind, knowing that you’re on course to reducing your carbon footprint.

Need Further Advice and or Require a Green Energy System?
SolarCentric are dedicated to creating better financial and climate security for our clients and if you require our service and or products, the team will be happy to help you:

T:     0330 0552155

Feel free to direct message us on social media:
Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Instagram

Two is better than one, and battery storage is always a great way to compliment any Solar PV system. Batteries are emerging as one of the key solutions to integrate efficient carbon-neutral systems for any home or business, because when there is excess power in the property, the battery will store it ready to be used at a later date. This can really reduce your grid dependency and your electricity bill.

Batteries are paving the way towards an ozone-friendly future
As the world starts transitioning away from fossil fuels, we acknowledge and appreciate the initial stages of its invention. The first real development of batteries date as far back as 250 BC, known as the Baghdad Battery. Fast forward to the 21st century, batteries primarily powered our phones and computers but with advance technology they are now powering our cars, homes and businesses too.

It’s a great leap forward and we have certainly come a long way with the ever-growing development in batteries. With the correct battery and solar combination, you can really make a difference to the environment and enjoy an abundance of free/low-cost solar electricity, especially in the summer going into winter when solar doesn’t particularly perform as well. Now with advance technology, batteries can control the time for when you buy your energy physically from the grid which is a great function to have as lots of energy companies offer cheap night-time tariffs. Note that buying low-cost energy when carbon intensity on the grid is low is a profitable gain, a great way to control your energy cost and to reduce your carbon footprint.

Most batteries are software controlled, meaning that as technology improves, the battery does not become outdated. This is really important as technology is moving quickly and in some parts of the UK, energy providers are already trialing different ways to use batteries. These trials include load balancing and optimising when you buy and sell energy from the grid.

Overall, these are worthy trials because wholesale energy prices fluctuate throughout the day typically increasing at peak times and reducing at night. In the future, we are likely to see a more renewable-fuelled world with supporting software that further utilises batteries.

