A Breakdown of the IPCC Climate Change Report

The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report is updated every six to seven years to reflect new evidence on climate change, and the most recent report published (August 2021) caused a great media reaction.

The UN chief reported: ‘code red for humanity’ – which was not a surprise to most with the horrific and continuous news reports on extreme weather events such as heatwaves, droughts and flooding that have taken place across the world. This is something we do not want to hear, but unfortunately the climate crisis IS here.

We understand how distressing it is to read, and the IPCC climate change report has caused increase eco anxiety for many people around the world, especially young adults. But scientists say a catastrophe can be avoided if we take immediate action on energy and that there is no time for delay and no room for excuses. Here is a basic breakdown of what the IPCC’s report covered:

  • The past five years have been the hottest on record since 1850
  • The rise in sea levels have nearly tripled compared with 1901-1971
  • Human influence is “very likely” (90%) the main driver of the global retreat of glaciers since the 1990s and the decrease in Arctic sea-ice
  • It is “virtually certain” that hot extremes including heatwaves have become more frequent and more intense since the 1950s, while cold events have become less frequent and less severe

Is it too late to stop climate change?

It is not too late to prevent global warming. What is obvious is that global carbon emissions need to be reduced to net-zero – immediately, to avoid a dangerous increase in global temperatures. When we focus on sustainability, the entire world benefits and gets to live in healthy living conditions.

With the spectacular rise of renewable technology such as solar panels and wind turbines, net-zero is definitely achievable!


Advantages of solar energy:

Solar energy is one of the solutions for a greener future, thanks to its limitless supply of clean energy. Solar panels are a onetime investment and will provide long-term benefits to your home or business and not only does it give us a better future on this earth but a healthier life too. Solar power takes away the risk of respiratory issues, cancer and cardiovascular problems.

A big misconception is that in order to own solar panels you need to live in an area that is always sunny. This is simply not true – anyone can have solar! The panels will always receive direct day light even on cloudy and rainy days.


Battery storage for solar panels:

Energy storage enables electricity to be saved for a later, when and where it is most needed. Solar batteries compliment solar PV by storing the excess energy your panels make instead of it going back to the National Grid. When you need to tap into more power, your green free energy is in the battery, ready to use! Most batteries are software controlled, meaning that as technology improves, the battery does not become outdated. This is really important as technology is moving quickly and in some parts of the UK, energy providers are already trialling different ways to use batteries. These trials include load balancing and optimising when you buy and sell energy from the grid.


Environmental benefits of electric cars:

Road transport is one of the biggest sources of pollution in the UK, contributing to poor air quality, noise disturbance, congestion and climate change.

Vehicles have a major impact on the environment through their construction, use and eventual disposal.  This “feebate” system is certainly an effective way to drive and secure EV growth.

The tech and science is there, and endless reports have been made stating that renewable energy has the capability of powering 80% of the world! Additionally, fossil-fuel is a limited source, so sooner or later we will have to depend on solar energy but the time to depend on it is now – not later.

Renewable energy is driving innovation and not compromising our way of life, unlike fossil fuels do. If you want to secure a future – renewable energy is the answer and our team are here to educate and point in the right direction. When it comes to designing and quoting the right system for your energy needs, we make sure you understand the systems functionality and how our smart products can benefit you!

Why not call us to book in for a free no obligation consultation and quote?

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It is important to shed light on gender balance due to the fact that female equality and values contribute to a more modern, social and open economy. With more women in leadership roles/positions, we can improve not only society, but business as well.

Women show remarkable resilience – they’re leading climate movements, helping, supporting, building and creating extraordinary projects to help society and our communities and they deserve every bit of recognition. We must not forget the women’s suffrage – the right for women to vote in elections, the #MeToo movement and many more extraordinary actions both genders have taken in order for women to be heard. History has taught us that change can happen through collective activism.

But despite this great change that is happening in some parts of the world, many people are not aware that climate change affects women more than men and so in honour of international women’s day, we think it is important to learn more about women and climate change.

How climate change affects women

Global warming affects us all, but its affects will have a greater impact on women because they’re more likely to experience poverty, and have less access to basic human rights in comparison to men.

In rural areas, women and girls are the primary source to gather food, water and household energy resources. As droughts worsen, forest fires become more apparent, women and girls must travel further away and in most cases spend more money to access these resources. Climate change exaggerates their existing workload and makes it harder for them to take on additional work for further income.

Women represent around 43% of the global agricultural workforce, but women in agriculture face countless barriers to economic independence making it harder for them to harvest land. As soil quality worsens and water shortage becomes more of an occurring problem, they will be unable to sell their produce and be financial secure.

How we can support each other

Thankfully, the Paris climate agreement includes specific provisions to ensure women receive support to cope with the hazards of climate change. Not only will this policy help, but we can help, through collective activism. In the workplace, in the classroom, within in our friendship groups, communities and within our general society.

Making a stand for female equality means making it a priority for the sake of all of our futures. It isn’t just about making headline news, legal victories and international agreements: its about the way we talk, think, and act every day which can create a ripple effect that benefits everyone!

Creating more space for diverse voices will ultimately provide a range of solutions to help us all tackle global issues together and when we are advocating women’s roles as decision-makers, educators and climate leaders, we can ensure greater environmental progress.

Its our issue, not just a female issue.
