Increased Government Support Fuels Solar Energy Growth in the UK

The UK government’s recent announcement of increased support for solar energy projects marks a significant step forward in the nation’s renewable energy journey. With an ambitious goal of doubling the number of solar installations by 2030 and reaching 70 GW of installed capacity by 2035, this initiative is set to accelerate the adoption of solar energy across the country.

Key Components of the Government’s Support

  1. Substantial Financial Backing The government has allocated a notable £120 million for established technologies, including solar and onshore wind. This funding is part of the Contracts for Difference (CfD) scheme, which guarantees a fixed price for the electricity generated by renewable energy projects. This financial support aims to provide stability and encourage investment in the solar sector​ (GOV.UK)​​ (GOV.UK)​.
  2. Green Finance Mechanisms The introduction of new green finance mechanisms is designed to support a wide range of customers and overcome barriers to retrofitting existing buildings with solar panels. These mechanisms will make solar energy more accessible and affordable, enabling more households and businesses to benefit from clean energy solutions​ (Solar Power Portal)​.
  3. Investment in Supply Chains and Jobs As part of the government’s broader energy strategy, there is a strong emphasis on investing in UK supply chains and creating jobs within the renewable energy sector. This investment not only supports the growth of the solar industry but also contributes to the overall economic development and job creation in the green energy market​ (Carbon Brief)​.

Impact on the Solar Energy Landscape

  1. Boost in Installations With the increased financial support and improved green finance mechanisms, the number of solar installations is expected to rise significantly. This growth will be driven by both large-scale solar farms and smaller residential and commercial installations, contributing to the overall increase in solar capacity​ (GOV.UK)​.
  2. Enhanced Economic and Environmental Benefits The expansion of solar energy projects will lead to substantial environmental benefits by reducing carbon emissions and dependence on fossil fuels. Additionally, the investment in supply chains and job creation will provide economic benefits, helping to boost local economies and support sustainable development​ (GOV.UK)​​ (Solar Energy UK)​.
  3. Technological Advancements and Innovation Continued investment in solar technology and innovation will be crucial for achieving the government’s ambitious targets. Advancements in solar panel efficiency, energy storage solutions, and grid integration will play a key role in ensuring the success of these initiatives and maximizing the benefits of solar energy​ (Solar Power Portal)​​ (GOV.UK)​.

Challenges and Future Prospects

While the government’s increased support is a positive development, there are still challenges to address. Ensuring timely grid connections, enhancing infrastructure, and maintaining a stable regulatory environment will be essential for the continued growth of the solar sector. Collaboration between the government, industry stakeholders, and the public will be vital to overcoming these challenges and achieving the UK’s renewable energy goals.

The future of solar energy in the UK looks promising, with strong government support paving the way for a cleaner, more sustainable energy landscape. By embracing these initiatives, the UK is well-positioned to become a global leader in renewable energy and drive meaningful progress towards a net-zero future.

For more detailed information, you can refer to the following sources:

The UK’s solar energy sector has achieved a significant milestone, with installed solar capacity now exceeding 15.9 gigawatts (GW) as of April 2024. This marks a considerable increase, underscoring the nation’s commitment to transitioning to renewable energy and reducing carbon emissions.

Key Drivers Behind the Growth

Several factors have contributed to this impressive growth in solar capacity:

  1. Government Support and Policy Initiatives The UK government has been a strong advocate for renewable energy, setting ambitious targets and providing substantial financial support. The government’s goal is to achieve 70 GW of installed solar capacity by 2035, a fivefold increase from the current levels​ (GOV.UK)​.
  2. Technological Advancements Innovations in solar technology, such as the development of lightweight and highly efficient solar panels, have made solar energy more accessible and cost-effective. Advances in materials like perovskite and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) have enhanced the efficiency and flexibility of solar panels, facilitating broader adoption across various applications​ (CSIRO)​​ (SciTechDaily)​.
  3. Increased Investment There has been a surge in investment from both the public and private sectors. The government’s recent allocation of £120 million for established technologies, including solar and onshore wind, is expected to drive further growth. This investment aims to support the development of green finance mechanisms and overcome barriers to retrofitting existing buildings with solar panels​ (GOV.UK)​​ (GOV.UK)​.
  4. Community and Small-Scale Installations A significant portion of the new capacity has come from small-scale installations. In the first four months of 2024 alone, 190 megawatts (MW) were added, with installations of 4 kilowatts (kW) or less contributing 84 MW to this total. This trend highlights the increasing role of community and residential solar projects in the UK’s renewable energy landscape​ (PVKnowhow)​​ (GOV.UK)​.

The Road Ahead

While the current growth is commendable, there are still challenges to be addressed to meet the 70 GW target by 2035. These include:

  • Grid Infrastructure: Enhancing the grid infrastructure to accommodate the influx of solar power is crucial. The government has announced plans for network reforms and investments in transmission networks to ensure timely grid connections for new projects​ (GOV.UK)​.
  • Scaling Up Large Projects: While small-scale installations are essential, scaling up large utility-scale solar farms will be necessary to achieve the ambitious targets. Projects like the 400 MW Longfield Solar Farm in Essex are examples of large-scale initiatives that will play a pivotal role in the future​ (Solar Energy UK)​.
  • Continued Innovation: Ongoing research and development in solar technologies will be vital. Innovations that increase efficiency and reduce costs will make solar power more competitive and attractive for broader applications​ (CSIRO)​​ (SciTechDaily)​.


The UK’s achievement of 15.9 GW in installed solar capacity is a testament to the concerted efforts of the government, industry, and communities. As we look forward to 2035, continued support, innovation, and investment will be key to realizing the vision of a sustainable and renewable energy future. This milestone is not just a victory for the solar industry but a significant step towards a greener and more resilient planet.

For more detailed information, you can refer to the following sources:

Illuminating Futures: Solar Centric’s Commitment to Local Talent and Sustainable Growth

At Solar Centric, our dedication to sustainability goes beyond harnessing the sun’s power to light up homes and businesses across the UK. It’s about nurturing the community that surrounds us, contributing to its growth, and inspiring the next generation of skilled professionals in the solar energy sector. Our recent initiatives with Briton Ferry RFC and Afan College are prime examples of how we’re implementing our vision for a brighter, greener future.

Supporting Local Talent: The Briton Ferry RFC Partnership

We’re thrilled to announce that Solar Centric is now a full-time sponsor of Briton Ferry RFC, a club that’s as passionate about community and teamwork as we are. This partnership reflects our commitment to investing in local communities, recognising the vital role sports play in promoting unity, health, and resilience. Through this sponsorship, we aim not just to support the club financially but also to spread awareness about the importance of sustainability and renewable energy among players, fans, and the wider community.

Lighting the Path with Afan College

Education is the foundation, and at Solar Centric, we strongly believe in empowering the brightest minds from the very beginning of their professional journeys. Recently our colleague, Gareth, visited Afan College, which is part of the Neath Port Talbot College Group and located just an 8-minute drive from our office. His purpose was to engage with apprenticeship candidates and introduce them to the exciting world of solar energy.

These interviews serve a dual purpose. Firstly, they aim to recruit the next generation of solar professionals. Secondly, they are also intended to plant seeds of innovation and environmental stewardship in young minds. By incorporating solar energy into the curriculum and offering hands-on experience through apprenticeships, we are ensuring that the industry can meet future demand with a workforce that is not only skilled but also passionate about making a difference.

Why Early Engagement Matters

Incorporating solar energy education at the outset of professional development is crucial. The solar industry is evolving rapidly, with technological advancements and increasing demand for green energy solutions. By introducing students and apprentices to solar energy concepts and practices early on, we’re preparing a skilled labour force ready to deliver efficient and effective solutions on all sites as standard.

This approach is about more than just meeting demand; it’s about shaping a future where solar energy is a fundamental part of our energy mix, supported by a community that values and understands its importance. We’re not just creating jobs; we’re fostering careers that will contribute to a sustainable world.

A Brighter Tomorrow

Our initiatives with Briton Ferry RFC and Afan College represent the beginning of a long-term strategy to invest in local talent and sustainable growth. By supporting local clubs and educational institutions, we’re not only contributing to the development of the solar energy sector but also strengthening the fabric of our community.

Power Your Home Sale: The Bright Side of Solar Panels

In today’s environmentally conscious market, making your home stand out to potential buyers means showcasing not just its beauty and functionality but also its sustainability. Installing solar panels is a powerful step towards greener living, offering a unique selling proposition that can significantly boost your home’s appeal. Here’s how embracing solar energy can make your property a hot commodity, all while slashing those energy bills.

A Greener Home is a Brighter Investment

As the world shifts towards more sustainable living practices, solar panels have emerged as a hallmark of modern, eco-friendly homes. They’re not just an upgrade; they’re a statement. A home equipped with solar panels sends a clear message about its occupants’ commitment to reducing carbon footprints. This commitment is increasingly becoming a priority for buyers who are not only looking to invest in a property but also in a lifestyle that aligns with their environmental values.

Watch the Energy Bills Drop

One of the most immediate benefits of installing solar panels is the significant reduction in energy bills. Solar energy can power everything from your daily appliances to heating systems, effectively slashing monthly costs. Over time, these savings add up, offering long-term financial benefits to the new homeowners—a selling point that’s hard to overlook.

Increased Property Value

Studies have consistently shown that homes equipped with solar panels enjoy a bump in property value. Buyers are willing to pay a premium for homes that promise lower utility costs and a smaller environmental impact. This increase in value can offset the initial investment in solar technology, making it a wise financial decision for sellers looking to maximize their return.

A Competitive Edge in the Market

In a crowded real estate market, differentiation is key. Solar panels can give your property that competitive edge. With the growing demand for sustainable living options, a home equipped with solar technology stands out in property listings, attracting more views, visits, and, ultimately, offers.

A Step Towards Future-Proofing

Investing in solar panels is not just about the present benefits; it’s about future-proofing the property. As energy prices continue to rise and environmental regulations become stricter, homes that are already equipped with green technology will be in higher demand. By installing solar panels now, you’re not just enhancing your home’s appeal; you’re also preparing it for the future market.

Embrace the Sun, Reap the Rewards

The journey towards greener living starts with steps that benefit both the planet and our pockets. Installing solar panels is a testament to forward-thinking homeownership, offering an eco-friendly solution that doesn’t just save on energy bills but also contributes to a healthier planet. As you prepare to sell your home, consider the lasting impact and appeal of solar energy. It’s an investment that brightens your home’s future, in every sense of the word.

Unlocking Solar Potential: The UK’s Blueprint for Sustainable Business Growth


In an era where sustainability is not just a choice but a necessity, the UK government is leading the charge with strategic initiatives designed to make solar investment not only accessible but highly beneficial for businesses. With climate change concerns escalating, the push towards renewable energy sources has become paramount. The government’s commitment to fostering a greener future is evident through various schemes aimed at reducing carbon emissions and promoting energy efficiency. Let’s delve into the specifics of these initiatives and how they can benefit your business.


Solar Together: A Collective Approach to Solar Savings

The Solar Together scheme exemplifies innovative thinking, bringing together households and local authorities to form a collective buying group for solar panels. This initiative drives down installation costs through competitive bidding, making solar energy more accessible​ (The Independent)​. It’s an excellent opportunity for businesses to leverage community-driven efforts for cost-effective solar solutions.


HUG2: Financial Support for Low-Income Families and Businesses

The Home Upgrade Grant Scheme 2 (HUG2) offers a lifeline for businesses operating in low-income communities. With grants of up to £10,000 for solar panels and other energy-efficient upgrades, HUG2 is an essential component of the UK’s strategy to enhance energy efficiency across the board​ (The Independent)​.


ECO4: Elevating Energy Efficiency

The ECO4 scheme is a testament to the government’s resolve to improve home energy ratings, focusing on low-income, fuel-poor, and vulnerable households. For businesses, this initiative opens avenues to engage with and support communities by providing energy-efficient solutions, including solar PV panels​ (​​ (The Eco Experts)​.


Smart Export Guarantee (SEG): A Win-Win for Solar Generation

The Smart Export Guarantee offers an enticing prospect for businesses generating solar energy. By allowing surplus energy to be sold back to the grid, SEG not only promotes renewable energy use but also provides a financial incentive for businesses to invest in solar technology​ (The Independent)​​ (Renogy)​.


Tax Incentives and Reduced VAT: Easing the Transition

Tax breaks for businesses installing solar equipment and reduced VAT on energy-saving products further reduce the financial barriers to solar adoption. These incentives ensure that businesses of all sizes can partake in the renewable energy movement without undue financial strain​ (EcoFlow Blog)​​ (Renogy)​.


Embracing Solar: A Sustainable Strategy for UK Businesses

The UK government’s suite of incentives for solar investment presents a golden opportunity for businesses to align with sustainability goals. By reducing installation costs, offering financial incentives for surplus energy generation, and providing tax breaks, the path to adopting solar energy has never been clearer.

As we move forward, the importance of transitioning to renewable energy sources cannot be overstated. The government’s initiatives are a significant step in the right direction, but it is up to businesses to take action. Investing in solar energy is not just an investment in your company’s future but in the planet’s future as well.

The United Kingdom is not renowned for its sunny weather. However, it is a misconception that solar power is ineffective in the country. In fact, with advanced technology, government support and innovative energy storage solutions, solar energy is thriving in the UK. This post will explore how solar panels continue to generate electricity even on the cloudiest of days and why solar energy is a practical and efficient choice for the UK.

Solar Power: Beyond Bright Sunny Days

There is a common misconception that solar energy can only be generated when there is direct sunlight. However, this is not entirely true. Even on cloudy days, solar panels can still produce energy, although the efficiency may be lower. This is because solar panels can convert both sunlight and daylight into electricity. Therefore, even when the sun is not visible due to cloud cover, a significant amount of light penetrates through the clouds, allowing solar panels to continue operating and generating power.

Technological Advances

The solar industry has made leaps in technology, enhancing the efficiency of solar panels under various weather conditions. Modern solar panels are designed to capture a broader spectrum of sunlight, including the diffuse light available on cloudy days. Innovations in photovoltaic (PV) cell design have also improved their ability to convert more light into electricity, making solar energy a viable option throughout the year.

Energy Storage: The Game Changer

Energy storage technology is a crucial component in the UK’s solar energy success story. By storing excess electricity generated during sunny periods, energy storage systems ensure a continuous power supply, regardless of the weather. This not only maximizes the utility of solar panels but also contributes to a more stable and resilient energy grid. Advances in battery technology continue to lower costs and increase storage capacity, further enhancing the efficiency of solar power systems.

The Reality of Solar Power in the UK

Despite the UK’s reputation for grey skies, solar power is more than just a viable source of energy; it’s a thriving part of the country’s move towards a greener future. With over one million solar panel installations across the nation, it’s clear that households and businesses alike are embracing the benefits of solar energy. The efficiency of modern solar technology, combined with governmental support and advancements in energy storage, has made solar power a practical and efficient energy solution for the UK.

Embracing Solar in the UK

The reality is that solar power works in the UK, and it’s working well. As technology advances, government policies evolve, and energy storage solutions become more sophisticated, the future of solar energy in the UK looks brighter than ever. Whether it’s a sunny summer day or a cloudy winter afternoon, solar panels across the country are generating clean, renewable energy. It’s time to dispel the myths and recognize the potential of solar power in the UK.

As we turn our attention towards renewable energy sources, solar panels in the UK stand out as a beacon of hope and sustainability. However, many homeowners and businesses often ponder, “Is my roof suitable for solar panels?” The answer is quite reassuring. In fact, most roofs are prime candidates for solar panel installation. Here’s why:

The Power of Sunlight

The journey to harnessing solar energy begins with sunlight. If your roof receives ample sunlight throughout the day, you’re already on the right track. South-facing roofs in the UK capture the most sun, but east or west orientations can also yield significant energy. The key is exposure; the more direct sunlight your roof gets, the higher the potential for solar energy production.

A Versatile Fit

Are you worried that your roof material might not be compatible? Whether your home has shingles, metal, slate, or tiles, solar panel technology has evolved to work harmoniously with a wide range of roofing materials. This versatility ensures that regardless of your roof’s composition, the potential for solar remains vast.

Assessing Roof Strength

One of the marvels of modern engineering is the lightweight nature of solar panels, coupled with their durability. Most standard roofs are built to withstand additional loads, making them capable of supporting solar panel systems. However, the condition of your roof is paramount. A roof in good repair, with many years left in its lifespan, is ideal for solar installation, ensuring a long-term, worry-free investment in green energy.

The Role of Surroundings

While your roof itself might be ready for solar, external factors such as shading from trees, nearby buildings, or other structures can impact the efficiency of solar panels. Assessing the shade coverage throughout the day and across seasons is crucial. Strategic placement of panels or trimming back foliage can mitigate these effects, optimizing your solar energy yield.

The Importance of Expertise

Embarking on your solar journey should never be a solitary venture. Consulting with professional solar installers is a critical step. These experts conduct thorough assessments of your roof’s suitability, considering factors like structure, angle, and exposure, to provide tailored advice and solutions. Their expertise not only ensures the feasibility of installation but also maximizes the efficiency and performance of your solar panel system.

Embrace the Solar Potential

The shift towards green energy is not just a trend; it’s a necessary transition for a sustainable future. The good news is that the sun’s power is more accessible than ever, and with the majority of roofs being suitable for solar panels, the opportunity to go green is within reach. Let the sunlight that graces your roof pave the way towards a brighter, cleaner, and more sustainable home or business.

Whether you’re looking to reduce your carbon footprint, cut energy costs, or invest in the future of our planet, solar panels offer a promising solution. So, why wait? Explore the potential sitting right above you and let the sun power your journey to sustainability.

The Power of Solar: Brightening UK Homes and Businesses

As we soak up the occasional British sun, it’s a perfect moment to consider how those golden rays do more than lift our spirits—they’re a powerhouse for our homes and businesses. In this article, we shine a light on the myriad benefits of solar power, an eco-friendly energy source that’s gaining momentum across the UK.

Leading the Charge in Sustainability

Solar energy is at the forefront of sustainable solutions, cutting our dependence on fossil fuels and slashing greenhouse gas emissions. For the UK, committed to ambitious climate targets, embracing solar is pivotal for safeguarding our environment for the next generations.

Energy Sovereignty with Solar Power

Harnessing solar power is about more than just clean energy; it’s about gaining energy sovereignty. Installing solar panels transforms your roof into a personal power plant, diminishing reliance on the grid and bolstering energy security, particularly during those high-demand periods.

Financial Benefits of Solar Energy

Solar panels are not just good for the planet—they’re great for your wallet too. By producing your own energy, you can significantly lower your electricity bills. Plus, any surplus power can be stored for later use or sold back to the grid, making your investment in solar even more rewarding.

Technological Advances in Solar Energy

The leaps in solar technology are impressive. Today’s panels are more efficient than ever, capturing sunlight even on the cloudiest of days. This means greater energy output and an even stronger case for solar power as a viable option in the UK’s varied climate.

Enhancing Property Value with Solar

Installing solar power systems can boost your home’s market appeal. Properties equipped with solar solutions are viewed as cutting-edge, eco-conscious, and cost-efficient, traits that are becoming ever more desirable among home buyers.

Community and Economic Impact of Solar

Opting for solar isn’t just a personal win; it’s a win for the community. The solar sector is a burgeoning field, generating jobs in manufacturing, installation, maintenance, and research. When you choose solar, you’re backing British jobs and contributing to the nation’s economic resilience.

Investing in a Sustainable Future with Solar

Solar power is more than a clean energy source; it’s a sound investment in our collective future. From the environmental benefits to financial savings, solar energy is a shining beacon for those dedicated to building a more sustainable UK. So next time you bask in the sun, remember—it’s not just warming your face, it’s powering the future.

The Bright Future of Solar Innovation

As we continue to innovate and adopt solar technologies, we’re not just lighting up homes; we’re lighting up possibilities for a cleaner, greener world. And that’s a future worth investing in—powered by the sun, driven by innovation, and sustained by communities across the UK.
