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Renewable Energy: Build a Greener Future

Renewable Energy: Build a Greener Future

Date: 11 October 2021 | By: The Team

The clean energy revolution continues to grow every day, encouraging both companies and individuals to opt for renewables. Especially now costs of renewable energy are coming down, the need for more sustainable solutions becomes a priority. But what exactly is green energy? And what decisions can you make to have an impact at home or in the office?


What is Renewable Energy?


Renewable energy comes from natural sources or processes and is inexhaustible compared to “dirty” energy such as the burning of fossils fuels, oil drilling, nuclear power, … These green solutions emit less carbon and other types of pollution and include neutral sources like sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat.


Due to climate change and innovation, more and more sustainable solutions are emerging to safeguard our environment and health. By introducing these new greenways and limiting our dependence on fossil fuels, we can create a livable climate for future generations. Sustainable resources are also more accessible to everybody compared to exhaustible resources.


Types of Green Energy?


The most common renewable energy sources are:

  • Solar energy
  • Wind energy
  • Hydro energy
  • Tidal energy
  • Geothermal energy
  • Biomass energy


Green Energy at home


Going green at home is increasingly popular as well as it provides a few advantages. You can easily save money on water and energy bills by installing greener options. You’ll also increase the value of your home while reducing your carbon footprint on our planet. A few solutions to consider, whether you are renovating our building a house from scratch:


Heat pumps


You can opt for either ground source heat pumps (GSHPs) or air source heat pumps (ASHPs) to warm up your home and water supply. These either extract warmth from the ground or absorb heat from the outside air. This heat can then be used to heat radiators, underfloor or warm air heating systems, and hot water.




Biomass heating systems burn a mix of wood pellets or chips made of plants and other organic matter. They either provide heat in a single room or can power the central heating and hot water boilers in your house. While carbon dioxide is still released when burned, it’s considerably less than fossil fuels and much cheaper than maintaining an old electric heating system.


Solar panels


By far the most popular and easiest way to go green is adding solar panels to your building. They generate electricity from sunlight that can be used to heat your home, produce warm water, turn on air conditioning.


SolarCentric is one of the UK’s leading solar panel providers, working with companies and private homes across the country. Our team can guide you from initial consultation to full installation and support you to find the best solution for your budget and needs. Join our mission to accelerate the transition to a greener, sustainable future, enquire today for more information!





